Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Guest Post: The Haikustivore

Elise rewrites my blog. Concisely.

The Online Sports Journal

Jake Tuber owns me

“The Hyperbolic Chamber”

Sports, sports, sports, sports, sports

DSIL’s Meditation Retreat: Or, How I Learned to Quit Thinking and Accept the Pain

I can’t meditate

Because I am too gangly

Then, tapioca.

A Layman’s Explanation of Thailand’s Political Situation

Red and Yellow Shirts

Taksin skypes Reds from Dubai


The Darunsikkhalai School for Innovative Learning


Economic History

But, I’m from Amherst!

Supposedly Delicious Things I’ll Never Eat Again

I like to eat stuff

except not chicken foot stew

wah wah lueh wah

A First Update; or, Thai Toilet Protocol: An Episstemology Gap (w/ endnotes!)

Forest Gump haircut

Avatar analogy

squat toilet endnotes.


  1. Photo caption: Mam & Rahmin Wedding

    Elise angelic
    As Buddhist monks drone with string
    Ben dreams of noodles

  2. Damn right I own you
    There's no escaping me now
    Get me a column
